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艾米丽努斯鲍姆的 提示太阳:真人秀电视的发明, published in late June, is a riveting, rollicking, and frequently shocking history of reality TV. Nussbaum’s deep dive into the genre’s occasionally wildly experimental, 通常是经过精心计算的, and often callously exploitative blend of authenticity and fakery transports readers back well before MTV’s 真实世界 即使是 1973年PBS 12集电视剧 一个美国家庭 回到电视出现之前的年代. 她把故事情节追溯到 艾伦经费的 坦诚的麦克风, which delivered the same sort of “cruel carnival” of humiliating pranks over the radio in the 1940s that would later make the jump to TV as 袖珍照相机.

这本书的书名取自 彼得·威尔令人难忘的结尾场景 楚门的世界 (1998) 当杜鲁门, 从出生起就不知情地成为全天候电视真人秀的主角, becomes aware of his predicament and attempts to flee his artificial world under cover of darkness. As show creator and director Ed Harris throws one obstacle after another in Truman’s path, 他对他的船员大吼, 提示太阳!然后他警告他任性的孩子, “There’s no more truth out there than in the world I created for you.”

Decades into the modern era of reality TV that kicked off with 真实世界1n 1992 并在八年后凭借 幸存者, it’s safe to say that all of the many layers of artifice underpinning reality shows, 他们制造的挑战和情节, the ways some cast members cannily capitalize on the shows to build careers and others fall naively into the traps show creators set for them, 现在已经暴露得很好了吗.

因此,读起来可能有些刺耳 现实世界中 era of reality shows were launched by a renegade mix of Gen X idealists and cynics. The former group believed the new genre could inject some truth and authenticity into TV’s fiction-dominated world, while the latter saw a big payday in dumbing down and trashing up cinema verité for kids raised on MTV. 

And though it’s hard to dispute the fact that the cynics won out, it’s also foolish even for the genre’s legions of detractors to deny reality TV’s enormous and enduring impact on media and culture. 从一开始, reality TV upended the industry's established and hard-won labor structure: guild-affiliated writer- and actor-free, reality TV was always a strikebreaker’s dream and a worker’s nightmare. 即使在2023年的罢工中, WGA承认他们“无能为力”, 当谈到解决现实劳动问题时.”

Nussbaum argues that reality TV’s capacity to fashion real-world-shaping fraud peaked with the Trump-centered 《百家乐app下载》, which took “a failed tycoon who was heavily in hock and too risky for almost any bank to lend to, 一个粗略的, 冲动的, 顽固的, multiply-bankrupt无知的人, a sexual predator so reckless he openly harassed women on his show, then [found] a way to make him look attractive enough to elect as the president of the United States.” 

Mike Fleiss,游戏的创造者 学士, 向努斯鲍姆认输, “All that talk about the decline of Western civilization and the sign of the apocalypse? 事实证明这是真的.”

虽然 提示太阳 reads more like a biography than an obituary, the book lands as 电视真人秀似乎正在崩溃 而业务的脚本端也在收缩. 更多的 than one pundit has proclaimed reality TV's demise at the hands of TikTok, the “now everyone grows up on video” platform that reality television prefigured. 适当的, 帕特里克Caligiuri他是一些最成功的电视真人秀节目的制作人大哥哥, 神奇的赛跑, 赤身裸体和害怕在抖音和领英上宣布“真人秀已经死了”.” 

Of course, unscripted shows aren't going away, even if they're leaving “TV.” But this may indeed be the end of the line for producers and profiteers who have made careers and fortunes in the genre as we’ve known it. Or maybe they’re just crafting another rising-from-the-ashes storyline. 我不排除他们会这么做.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


数据采集的讨论, 应用程序, and monetization that would have seemed like the most mind-blowing magic to denizens of other eras proved ever-present at 纽约流媒体, the reimagined and rebooted 流媒体 event that made its raucously well-received return to Manhattan in May.


最近的“订阅战争”报告是由美国政府委托编写的.K.-based digital payments tech company Bango points to consumer dissatisfaction with the fractured state of subscription services in general and the increasing appeal of indirect subscription options and super-bundles of aggregated services sold through telcos like Optus in Australia. Perhaps it's another sign of less-than-inspiring times that the best thing consumers say streaming services can do for them is to stop standing out from the crowd and start disappearing into it.


There can be little doubt that live sports streaming has a lucrative and dazzling future. 但首先,它需要通过语气测试阶段.


Most of those following the Hollywood strikes of 2023 found reason to cheer on Nov. 8 when SAG-AFTRA and AMPTP reached a tentative agreement that reportedly resolved the AI-related disputes that largely motivated the strike (alongside the impasse over stream­ing residuals). 但这项决议是在一个重大妥协的基础上做出的.


September 22 brought the unsurprising news that Amazon will soon join Netflix, 迪斯尼+, and Max by adding an ad-supported subscription tier for viewing its premium content in the U.S.,美国.K.美国、德国和加拿大. Prime being Prime, it's slightly inverting the approach its fellow top-tier titans have taken. Instead of offering a reduced subscription price for those budget-conscious viewers who are willing to suffer through a few ads in their premium shows, 亚马逊将广告层设为默认设置,并加收2美元.99美元到无广告级别.

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